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A Cognac of impeccable balance, the Martell VSOP Aged in Red Barrels Cognac is a wonderful take on a classic. Aged exclusively in fine grain Tronçais oak casks, the aromas of the wood are imparted upon the spirit, giving it a fruity character. Since 1715, Martell Cognacs have been selecting the finest grapes from the Borderies cru, the smallest in the region. The Cognac has a rather unique, luminous appearance, tempting you to enjoy its deliciously spicy aromas that have been imparted from the red oak casks in which the Cognac was aged. The ‘Tronçais’ casks refer to the fact that the trees are planted closely together to slow their growth rate which results in fine grain. It is this proximity that allows the light tannins to infuse the eaux-de-vie with aroma. The “red” of the barrel refers to the color of aged oak, which has housed other eaux-de-vie before it. This process will have taken place for at least 2 years and up to 8 years. This allows the spirit to reach the perfect stage of maturation. The Martell aging and distilling style is unlike no other, allowing for fantastic eaux-de-vie to be produced. The Martell VSOP Red Barrel Cognac is a real treat and offers extraordinary value for money. It takes the taster on a wonderful sensory journey, right from the moment you first lay eyes on it.